Hello everyone,
Last week was quite a busy week with ending a math unit and starting a new science unit. The students have completed their Patterning unit, but will have one more review session on Thursday. We have started our new unit on addition this week. Last week the students started their science unit on Energy. Scientist in the School came in to jump start the unit. Scientist Zane discussed heat, light, solar, and wind energy. She also discussed ways we can conserve energy in the home. This week, the students have a small activity to complete at home. Please check your child's agenda for the instructions.
The students also had their first formal lesson in their spelling program. Each week, they practice their spelling words by completing different activities and then they have a spelling test on Friday. Please ensure they are practicing their words at home as well. The students however, will not have spelling tests on four day weeks. The students also started a new writing unit on Procedural writing. Procedural writing can be described as "How To" writing. The students are responsible for learning transition words and giving specific instructions that make sense. Ask your child for a few transition words.