Friday, November 13, 2015

Even with the short week this week, the students were working deligently on new concepts.  The students started their new math unit: Patterning.  We have discussed the core of a pattern and how many times a pattern has to repeat for it to be a pattern.  Ask your child what the core of a pattern is and how many a pattern has to repeat to be a pattern.  They have also been practicing labelling their patterns. Your child should have brought home their Data Management unit home with them on Thursday with their overall mark on the title page. Please review their daily work along with their final evaluation.  

We have also started a new writing unit: Procedural writing.  Procedural writing is also called "How To" writing.  It is teaching someone how to do something.  We introduced the topic by reading a few read alouds that demonstrated what procedural writing looks like and sounds like.  We read How to Babysit Grandpa and How to Sneak a Monster into School. 

The students also learned a new science unit on energy.  We discussed what energy is and different types of energy.  Ask your child what energy is and what types they remember.  We watched a video and had a smart board lesson on the different types of energy.  The scientist in school on Tuesday will discuss energy in more detail.  It will be a great kick off to the unit.