Hello everyone,
I'm just writing our weekly update. This week, the students have been learning their new math unit on Patterning. Some of the key words they are currently working on are pattern rule, core, attribute, repeat, and extend. See if your child can tell you about any of these concepts. We will be working on these concepts for another week. We have also started our new writing unit on Procedural Writing. We call it the "How To" writing. Ask your child the different ideas we generated for "How To" writing. We are still in the very early stages of this writing unit. The focus thus far was to introduce the topic by reading a story about a procedure and working with partners to generate some ideas on topics. This week the students learned their new writing goals. Ask your child for their personal writing goal that they are currently working on. In reading, we are still working on different reading strategies, such as vowel pairs and sound blends. Try looking for some of these when reading the Snuggle Up books. This week we also finished our science unit on Daily and Seasonal Cycles. We will start our new unit on Energy next week.