Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It is a short week this week therefore, the students will not have spelling words this week.  I have been emphasizing in class the importance in reading every night as the number of students exchanging snuggle up books and logging onto Raz Kids has decreased.  As a result, the students made paper cubes that had different questions they could answer after they read their books.  We discussed in the class that reading is thinking and that we read for meaning.  Many of the students are learning that reading is not just about being able to read the words on the page, but being able to retell the story and make connections.  Once the students finish their cubes, they will bring them home to use after reading each book.  We also had a smart board lesson on Fractions today.  We reviewed the vocabulary words: numerator and denominator and drew pictures of different fractions.  Ask your child if a fraction is bigger or smaller than one whole.