Welcome back from March Break! I'm sure we are all excited to be back into our regular routine. The students worked on recounts in writing by retelling their adventures during the March Break. Ask your child what they decided to write about. We discussed the importance in choosing one event to write about and then adding supporting details regarding that one event. We will continue to work on these writing pieces for the next few days. As for math, the students reviewed area by creating robots using grid paper. They then had to count the area of different parts of their robots. There will be a test on Linear Measurement on Friday. The grade one students are responsible for Length and Area using non-standard measurements and the grade two students are responsible for Length, Area, and Perimeter using standard measurements.
The grade one students are still working on their structures for their community in Social Studies. We have briefly started mapping by discussing the different cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West). Ask your child how they can remember the directions.