Happy New Year everyone!
I hope everyone has had a fantastic start to the new year. I sincerely wish all the best to all in 2014. I would like to start off by saying how much I appreciate the wonderful class gift that everyone contributed to. It was very generous and thoughtful. I would like to thank all of the parents that have volunteered in the class. You have made a difference to all the students in the class. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
As for the first day back, the students wrote a letter to the Vice Principal to review the parts of a letter. We will continue writing letters until the end of January. We also reviewed our addition strategies in Math. Today, we looked at anchoring numbers to the number 10. That is, 4 is 6 less than 10 or 8 is 2 less than 10. In the afternoon, the grade two students had Science with Mrs. Wilson and the grade one students discussed animal adaptations. The students then had Computers and Learning Buddies.