The students had their spelling test this
morning. Please make sure your child is
studying the words at home. They also
had the opportunity to write letters to the special person. This is a great activity to see the gains
that students have made in their writing as they have to write the same letter
each week. In math, we discussed the
importance of labeling our patterns.
That is, what is the ABC rule.
Ask your child what their pattern rule is for their snake. The grade one students made a pattern with
one changing attribute and the grade two students had to have two changing attributes. We will continue to work on our snakes on Monday.
The students have started their writing
unit on Procedural Writing. We have
completed a few procedures in small groups and as a class. The students brainstormed with their reading
buddies ideas for their first independent procedural writing task that they
will begin on Monday. Ask your child
what the procedure is about. The
students have brought home a rubric for the end of this unit. The rubric will be used to assess one of their writing tasks. Please make sure to initial it and have your
child bring it back to school on Monday.