Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The students are almost finished their unit in Data Management.  The grade one students have been working diligently on creating tally marks and recording their data on a bar graph.  It is important that the grade one students know the 6 parts to the graph.  The grade two students have also been working on bar graphs, but have recently started pictographs.  They are learning to use symbols to represent their data and understanding scale.  For example, one symbol representing 5 votes.  Since it is a short week, the students will have their spelling test on the Thursday rather than the Friday.  Please make sure they are practicing their words at home. 
The grade one students have been working on telling time in Social Studies.  They started with daytime and nighttime and we are currently looking at different seasons.  We have discussed the activities associated with the seasons and the behaviour of animals.  The grade two students have been comparing traditions with classmates.
Starting next week, the students will begin the Snuggle Up Program.  The students will take home a book at their reading level to read and log into their reading log.  They will also have an opportunity to log onto the website Raz Kids for supplementary reading.